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Words of Love

"Joanne, I am deeply Saddened by the loss of Our Rose. She Will Remain in My Heart Forever."
Eddie Moreno
"My mom passed too and I have a sense of peace she is with Jesus, but I do miss her voice, her laugh, her wisdom, her hugs and kisses. I see and feel her constantly, but do miss the flesh. But I am at peace. May you feel your mom's presence in a new way."
Adriana Lerma-Corcoran
"Sweet memories last a lifetime"
Marla Lozano
"Oh, Joanne, this does not seem possible—yet reality says I will see her again, thanks to our Lord !!! She was a wonderful friend — the BEST— in those years and I have always missed her in the years that followed because of our circumstances!!!Her family was always her priority! Your dad and you and your family will be in my prayers ... may our Lord give you comfort at this most difficult time. Please LMK if there will be a memorial service. Love you, sweet girl, and May God hold you up and get you through — He is our hope and salvation"
Judy Bollier
"Sending love to you and your family. Your mom was a special lady."
Michelle Weldon
"Sam, you are all in our prayers. I know we are many miles apart but we think about our west coast family all the time. We send our love."
Vito DeFrisco
"For the whole DeFrisco/Breen Family my prayers and the Prayers from Sam's Brother Knights go out to all of you."
Joe Gray
"Oh Joanne! I’m so sorry for the loss of your mom, absent from the body means present with Christ so we know she’s dancing pain-free in heaven right now. I’ll be praying the transition without her is not a difficult process for you and your family"
Nancy Zuniga
"So’s really hard. Her love lives on through you and the incredible energy and connection you have with people Joanne."
John Redmann
"My Auntie Rosie was one of the best and only Auntie's I ever had. She was friendly, loving, kind, cheerful, and religious person. I learned so much from her. She was a wonderful woman and I am truly blessed to have such a loving Auntie in my life . Auntie Rosie always had a smile on her face. She graced her beautiful loving presence when entering a room. My wife, Megan, also was able to meet her and become her niece. Which I am happy about. Auntie Rosie had kind words of wisdom in our lives. I will forever miss her in my life."
James Fritz